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almost anything you need to get done!
Start using ChiqChaq, we have zero payments and fees for both customers and providers of services!

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What makes CHIQCHAQ different
Zero comissions and earnings-based fees

Usually Service Provider gives back to freelance services 20-to-50% of their earnings. This is a problem for everyone. After all, it's not only too much of a burden for the Service Provider, but also affects the Customer because it leads to attempts of imposing additional conditions, the quality of services decreases and their prices grow.

We are building a platform where Service Providers ratain 100% of their earnings. Because this is the right thing to do. (We'll have additional opportunities for those who want even more benefits, our Pro account is coming soon). And Customers thanks to this get a fair price and high quality services.

Save time and effort

For Customer finding the Service Provider with the right skills, and often times nearby takes a lot of time and effort. And independent Service Providers spend at least 25-to-50% of their working time looking for Customers.

Our Service Providers and Customers can find each other within minutes!

Confident choice

We build a transparent rating and review system, thoroughly check our users' feedback and are always in touch if you need our help.

Single account as both Service Provider and Customer

Only at ChiqChaq it is easy to be a Customer and a Service Provider AT THE SAME TIME! Each user receives a single account to easily find and offer the necessary services!

You can be both a Customer and a Service Provider
How it works
You can be both a Customer and a Service Provider
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The most wanted Service Providers on CHIQCHAQ
Top rated Service Providers on the platform
  • Hana
    Ателье по пошиву и ремонту одежды.
    Sewing services, tailoring
    Bags repair
    Garment repair
    1 Learn more ...
    View profile
  • Анатолий
    Все виды работ по сантехнике, Все виды ремонта квартир
    Utility works
    Minor home repairs
    Painting works
    1 Learn more ...
    View profile
  • Нелли
    Предлагаю свои услуги СРОЧНОЙ НЯНИ, в любое время дня и ночи !!! От одного часа и выше !!! Не...
    Babysitter services
    View profile
  • Yulia
    Разработка сайтов для бизнеса на CMS WordPress и Joomla.
    Web design
    View profile
  • Elisabeth
    Фотограф в Тель-Авив
    Photo processing
    View profile
  • Natalia
    Привет! По специальности я экономист. Так же имею образование и опыт работы в создании и...
    Translation and interpreting
    Online advertising
    View profile
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